Showing up for yourself every day is so important.
It doesn’t matter how small, how large, how short or how long you show up for yourself… just the purposeful intention TO connect, consistently.
This allows your body to feel safe, heard, seen, and understood. This allows your nervous systems remain balanced rather than staying in a sympathetic-dominant state of fight or flight.
If you’re feeling out of sorts, anxious, depressed, uninspired, stuck, blocked, confused, lost… try making one of these 11 ideas a focus for you every day for 11 days straight – a different focus every day can be helpful for some, while others may feel they benefit by focusing on the same idea for a set of time.
If you’re not sure how to make one of these work for you, reach out and let’s connect!
These are some of my favourite ways to keep my awareness around how I’m showing up for myself every day. How do you care for your inner self each day?